The proposed trails TNC and NJNLT would like to close.
High Mountain
(March 30, 2021)
The trails listed below will need to be closed to all trail users to help protect endangered species. Some closures will be soft, some will include covering the tread with sticks and leaves other options like planting in the tread will be explored. The rest of the trails will be added as official trails and evaluated for suitability for multi-use or MTB only, directional as well. This is a good time to look at the sustainability of the entire trail system. A working group consisting of representatives from the Nature Conservancy, JORBA and the NY-NJ Trail Conference will meet to discuss options and action plans.
Clockwise from the top
1 Corkscrew Ancients 1.14 miles
2 Skytop 0.30 miles
3 Space Mountain 0.42 miles
4 Snake Dark Forest Rambler 1.10 miles
5 Bypass Upper 0.21 miles
6 Ancients 0.98 miles
7 Ancients 0.50 miles
8 Lunar Valley Double Track Partial 0.10 miles
4.75 miles total
The need for additional parking was discussed, in particular using the lot at William Patterson. The university wants an engineering study done.
ATV’s were briefly discussed, to be picked up again when representative from Wayne police can attend.
There is a discussion of the possibility of a limited hunting season to cull the deer herd.