New Jersey’s first-ever Trails & Greenways Summit will be kicking off with a variety of webinars on September 22nd and continuing the 23rd, with weekend mobile workshops hosted by bicycle clubs and nonprofit organizations across the state. This FREE virtual summit, sponsored by @NewJerseyDOT and @NewJerseyDEP, is an opportunity to highlight the creation of robust trail and greenway networks throughout the state and to celebrate exemplary projects as an increasingly important piece of New Jersey’s transportation and recreation network.

This summit is open to anyone aspiring to enhance our state’s trail and greenway network including:

  • Trail enthusiasts
  • County and municipal planners and engineers
  • Parks and recreation staff
  • Local open space and recreation committee members
  • County and municipal elected or appointed leaders
  • Trail professionals and advocates
  • Senior and youth groups

To register, please visit

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