NJ State Parks has closed Red October trail in Six Mile Run. JORBA leadership has engaged the park since the moment this was brought to our attention. We are not the driving force behind the closure nor are we completely informed on the details, the trail was not sanctioned, and never was.

I would caution all folks who ride bikes in 6MR to put together rides which do not include riding on these roads. Yes, a full loop option is lost if you stay away from them, but it is still a wonderful park to ride and you can link up new routes. No one is forcing you to ride on those roads, so please do not put that added pressure on the park. They are aware of the landscape.

As for the long term, we are proposing solutions. The problem is Canal Road. To a) reopen the trail, or b) build a new trail, we need a non-road solution to get to/from the Canal Road parking lot, which means a bridge over the run. Ideally that bridge gets placed closer to Canal Road at the terminus of a new trail extending the sanctioned red, but there are other options to explore.

Bridges of that magnitude require a wetlands permit, considerable funding for design, materials and labor and considerable investment of time. We are prepared to assist, but we are not the land managers and can only make suggestions.

Please continue to be patient, and know that jdog and the chapter’s crew, along with JORBA’s leadership team, are monitoring progress and making ourselves available to assist our partners in trails.

Follow the up dates on the Six Mile Run Page.

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