Advocacy Alert: NY DEC Seeks Comments
For Immediate Release: 10/26/2022 Contact: Stephanie Mossey | (845) DEC ENCOURAGES NEW YORKERS TO COMMENT ON DRAFT EAST OF HUDSON UNIT MANAGEMENT PLAN Dec. 22 Deadline for Public Comments on Proposed Management Actions. DEC to Host Public Meetings on the Draft Plan Nov. 16 and 22. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)…
Advocacy Alert: Help Fund a World class BMX Dirt Jump Park in NYC.
We have a huge opportunity from the city to bring in fresh clay and really develop the space into a world class BMX dirt jump park at Highbridge in NYC. The much improved resiliency of this material will free up a considerable amount of our maintenance capacity which will be better spent maintaining and improving…
High Bridge Flow Trails Receive GoHunterton Award
Avid Trails, High Bridge Borough, the Jersey Off Road Bicycling Association (JORBA) and numerous community volunteers came together to create the High Bridge Flow Trails, New Jersey’s first downhill mountain biking trails on public land.
High Bridge Flow Trail Closure
Emerald Ash Borers have forced the closure of the High Bridge Flow trails and pump track. Dead and dying ash trees in the vicinity of the trails and pump track pose a serious risk to users of the trails. Please stay out until the hazardous trees are removed.
Ringwood Trails and Tourism Survey
Ringwood Economic Sustainability Trails & Tourism Plan is seeking input input from community members on issues related to walking and biking in Ringwood. We have created an Online Survey and Input Map available on the project website where members of the community can tell us about how they get around the borough, what they would like to see improved,…
2022 Grasshopper Kid’s Race Recap
WOW, what a great day of racing for kids on the Kid’s Korse, A total of 76 racers came out, the largest classes were the Boys PreK – Grade 1 and Grade 2 – 3 with 11 starters in each class The conditions were superb and kids were really flying around each 0.3mi lap. The…
Grasshopper Kid’s Bike Race, August 13, YES KIDS ARE RACING!!
The Hilltop Grasshopper Kids Bike Race is coming soon at the new location in Cedar Grove below the new Community Center on Fairview Avenue. August 13 at 0900 is the first start time for PRE K – Grade 1 Sign up right now at this link to Bike Reg All the details are included…