- Allaire Chapter, Allamuchy Trail Chapter, Atlantic County Chapter, Baldpate Chapter, Belleplain Chapter, Bergen County Chapter, Chapters, Cherry Hill Chapter, Essex Chapter, High Bridge Chapter, JORBA Board Members, JORBA Executive Committee, JORBA Park Rep, Jungle Chapter, Membership, Mercer County Chapter, Mine Hill Chapter, Ringwood Ramapo Chapter, Round Valley Chapter, Six Mile Chapter, Sourlands Chapter, Stephens Chapter, Trail Work, Volunteer, Washington Valley Park, Wawayanda Chapter, Wharton Chapter, Wildcat Chapter
JORBA 2024 Year in Review
JORBA Trail & Community Accomplishments: JORBA Events JORBA Strategic initiatives 2024 Photos of JORBA in Action….
Sterling Forest Trailwork 7/21/2024
It may be too hot to ride, but it’s never too hot to dig.Please come out and help us move dirt and rocks to make more trails this Sunday, July 21st. Volunteer 7/21/2024CURRENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES.Can’t make it this Sunday?Click on the day below to sign up for Sterling Forest Trailwork: Volunteer – Build Trails
Trailforks for PMTB
Trailforks for PMTBTuesday, May 7 · 7:30 – 8:30pmTime zone: America/New_YorkGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/tkb-hxwp-hxjOr dial: (US) +1 929-276-0314 PIN: 235 122 080#More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/tkb-hxwp-hxj?pin=3702549446634 A quick review of Trailforks features for trail reporting and logging hours. Applicable for all park reps.
The Palisades Shared Use Path Study
The Palisades Shared Use Path Study The Palisades Shared Use Path Study is a project to determine the feasibility of constructing a shared use path through the Palisades to create a safe, intuitive, and separated connection between the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee, New Jersey to the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge in South…
High Mountain Park Preserve Trail Plan Survey
High Mountain Park Preserve User Survey The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference is working with The Nature Conservancy to update the official trail system in High Mountain Park Preserve with a focus on long-term sustainability and high-quality experiences for all user groups. We’re asking for your input as part of this process – thank you…
Help Get More MTB in NY
Off-road cycling at Clarence Fahnestock State Park Survey The goal of this survey is for WMBA to enlist its membership and nearby partner mountain biking clubs to explore the need and demand for expanding bike-specific or bike-centric multi-use trails at Fahnestock State Park, managed by the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (referred…
- Act, Advocacy, Allaire Chapter, Allamuchy Trail Chapter, Atlantic County Chapter, Baldpate Chapter, Belleplain Chapter, Bergen County Chapter, Chapters, Cherry Hill Chapter, Essex Chapter, Fundraising, High Bridge Chapter, Hold Fast, JORBoard, Jungle Chapter, Mercer County Chapter, Mine Hill Chapter, Ringwood Ramapo Chapter, Round Valley Chapter, Six Mile Chapter, Sourlands Chapter, Sponsors, Stephens Chapter, Washington Valley Park, Wawayanda Chapter, Wharton Chapter, Wildcat Chapter
Membership Bonuses
- Act, Advocacy, Bergen County, Bergen County Chapter, Bicycle Workshop, Event, Fundraising, Home, Project In Progress, Sterling Forest, Trail Work, Volunteer
Sterling Forest Trail Build Sunday
Join us Sunday, August 6th 8:30-12;30.
- Act, Bergen County Chapter, Event, Home, Palisades MTB, Project In Progress, Sterling Forest, Trail Work, Volunteer
Sterling Forest Trail Build 6/3
Help build a new trail to complete the loop in Sterling Forest. Details here.
- Act, Advocacy, Bergen County, Bergen County Chapter, Bicycle Workshop, Event, Fundraising, Home, Palisades MTB, Project Opportunities, Sterling Forest
Palisades MTB Information Session, Mingle, and Fundraiser
Please join us on Thursday, April 13th, 2023 at Giovanni’s Bicycle Club in Englewood Cliffs for an evening of information on our current and new projects. This is a great opportunity to get informed while meeting fellow mountain bikers and trail users. Appetizers will be served and a cash bar will be open. There will be a fundraiser with…