Ringwood Dirty Thursdays are Back
We are planning to start working on Thursdays for the re-route project for Cooper Union North.Folks can join us trail side between 4:00pm and twilight. Our worksite will be located at the intersection of Stateline trail and Cooper Union Trail. Parking, closest parking option is Eagle Valley Pond, or Long Meadow/Sloatsburg Rd. Intersection. 4pm on Thursday until dark, wear sturdy shoes…
Comment for Public Access Trails Connecting Sterling and Ringwood
The Watchtower is building a A/V production facility adjacent to Sterling Forest and Ringwood State Park. Let them know you want multi-use public access trails. The property, along Sterling Mine Road, is a potential keystone connecting Ringwood State Park, in NJ, Sterling Forest State Park in NY and Sloatsburg, NY Multi-use Public Access Trails In…
2020 JORBA Chapter Report/Ringwood State Park
In 2020, the Ringwood Trail Crew recorded 612 volunteer hours. In April, James Bazzano and Tom Pannorfi organized work parties that Park Management permitted, while the Park was technically closed, due to Covid-19 restrictions. Strict mask protocol was observed, and social distancing encouraged. Standout projects include removal of a dilapidated 20+ year old bridge, that…