- Act, Advocacy, Allaire Chapter, Allamuchy Trail Chapter, Atlantic County Chapter, Baldpate Chapter, Belleplain Chapter, Bergen County Chapter, Chapters, Cherry Hill Chapter, Essex Chapter, Fundraising, High Bridge Chapter, Hold Fast, JORBoard, Jungle Chapter, Mercer County Chapter, Mine Hill Chapter, Ringwood Ramapo Chapter, Round Valley Chapter, Six Mile Chapter, Sourlands Chapter, Sponsors, Stephens Chapter, Washington Valley Park, Wawayanda Chapter, Wharton Chapter, Wildcat Chapter
Membership Bonuses
Volunteer Day – Sunday November 5th – Stephens State Park
Save the date – Volunteer trail building opportunity! Sunday, November 5th – Parking inside the Iron Gate which will be unlocked for this work session. 9 am meetup and safety brief. Work expected until noon, perhaps later. Refreshments provided. Scope of work: Hand tool finish work on mechanically built tread. Raking, grading, drainage, etc. Bring hydration,…
Deer Park Road Closed
Deer Park Road in Allamuchy is closed until further notice. This post will be updated with further information as we receive it.
- Act, Advocacy, Allamuchy, Allamuchy Trail Chapter, Fundraising, Home, Marty’s, Morris County, Project Not Started, Santa Cruz Bicycles, Stephens, Stephens Chapter, Sussex County
Auction to Support the New Green Rock Trail in Stephens
We are raising funds for a new professionally built trail is Stephens. All proceeds from this auction benefit the new Green Rock Trail in Stephens. Available for pick up at Marty Con. Even if you aren’t interested in these products, you can still support the project by making a donation below.
2022 Trail Maintenance, Stephens State Park
Hello to the Stephens State Park users and enthusiastic fresh air doers! Below is a tentative J.O.R.B.A. Trail Maintenance Schedule for Stephens State Park for 2022. The effort this year is to get organized sessions going since this stuff is way more fun with a group! Stay tuned! We’ll keep you posted. March (If the…
Proposed New Trail in Stephens Allamuchy for NICA
JORBA and the New Jersey Interscholastic Cycling League have made a joint proposal to build a new trail on the Stephens side of Allamuchy State Park. The proposal is undergoing the land management review process with the state.
Stephens Trail Maintenance – J.O.R.B.A.
8-7-21 Saturday 8:30am – 12:30pm Meet at the Pink trail head by rail road crossing and do brush back. 97 Waterloo Valley Rd. Budd Lake, NJ 07828 Bring yourself, water, gloves (I’ll have some gloves if you need) BUG SPRAY and a snack. Rain cancels. ********Please rsvp via email so I know how many tools…