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Announcing Ken Seebeck as JORBA’s Interim Executive Director
Big news at JORBA! I’m thrilled to announce that we have appointed Ken Seebeck as our new interim executive director! We extend a heartfelt thank you to Tom Hennigan, our outgoing executive director, for his many years of dedicated service. His tireless efforts and leadership have significantly contributed to JORBA’s growth and success. We wish…
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Q2 2024 Executive Committee Update/Message from the President
Greetings during this summer riding season! I hope to compose an update on the latest JORBA news approximately once per quarter to keep our members informed on new developments and enlist your support where needed. Highlights: Have a great season of riding filled with many smiles and miles!!
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JORBA Updates in Progress
We are working on updating JORBA’s systems over the holidays. You may receive emails at various points on the process. If you have any questions please feel free to to out to me at tom@jorba.org. Thanks for you patience Tom
- Advocacy, Home, JORBA Admin, JORBA Board Members, JORBA Executive Committee, JORBA Park Rep, JORBoard
New Executive Committee Members
The EC has voted in two new members, please welcome William Romollino and Norm Zurawski. We look forward to working with them.
JORBA Officer Elections 2022
Tom HenniganPresident, Chairman Ken SeebeckExecutive Director, CEO Dave ClarkTreasurer Jason FletcherSecretary Mike ConfentiVice President Board Members and Staff
JORBA Board Meeting 2/16 7:30 p.m.
Location:JORBA Board MeetingWednesday, February 16 · 7:30 – 9:00pmGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/nyv-aqif-yhjOr dial: (US) +1 314-480-3654 PIN: 484 411 970#More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/nyv-aqif-yhj?pin=3848620288047 Date:Wednesday February 16, 2022 7:30 p.m. Meeting Details We need to make a quorum, please register here. The event is open to all but voting is limited to board…
Let’s Find a Time for JORBA’s Annual Board Meeting
Please let us know when you are available by completing the form below. Loading…
- Act, Advocacy, Chapters, Event, JORBA Executive Committee, JORBA Park Rep, Trail Work, Training, Volunteer
Log Volunteers Hours
Bulk Log Hours
JORBA.org Access for Executive Committee
The executive committee now has access to additional features of CiviCRM and WordPress. Moving forward we will be rolling out access to different parts of our systems for different JORBA teams. For example, park reps will be able to add trail work events, manage volunteers and log hours. In the next few days we will…