National Trail Day Build at Jungle
We will be out, and with enough volunteers putting finishing touches on the connection between Rhino and Tapawingo. Please sign up in advance, we’ll need to know how much swag to bring, and how much BBQ to order. Saturday June 5th. 9:00 at the gate, we’ll drive up and park in the lot and and…
Join us at Jungle Saturday 5/22 Nine to Noon
We’re back at it. Come out out Saturday May 22nd. at 9:00 AM. We’ll meet at the gate and drive up and park in the lot. We’ll work until around noon. Join Us Rhino on powered by JORBA Volunteers
Two New Trail Days at Jungle
We’re continuing with the connection from Rhino to Tapawingo with two days this week. Tuesday after work at 5PM and Sunday at 9AM to noon.
Work on Rhino-Tapawingo Connection
Work from Saturday on the connection to Tapawingo from Rhino. It’s typical Jungle rocks up to the ridge. Look for biweekly and monthly sessions going forward.
New Trail Build at Jungle Habitat
We will be building the new connection to Tapawingo from Rhino on April 17th from 9AM to noon. Please join us.
2020.10.24 Jungle Paite Trail Build
2020.10.24 2:00 PM Jungle Paiute Trail Build. Meet at Power Line Access Trail Head 4M7F+G6 West Milford, New Jersey.
2020.10.17 Jungle Paiute Trail Work
2020.10.17 2:00 PM At Burnt Meadow Trail Head Parking Work continues on the Paiute section of the new Tapawingo project. Please email if you plan on attending so we can supply tools. Masks required.
Jungle Habitat Trail Expansion Approved
Tapawingo, a joint JORBA and NYNJTC project to improve the trail network adjacent to Jungle Habitat has been approved. Initially you might see some changes in the blazes, and then improved connectivity to Jungle Habitat from the old Hewitt Butler Trail. Eventually we plan on adding a new trail and making the woods roads sustainable.
Tapawingo Updates
2020.09.30 Work is starting Saturdays at 2PM until 4 or 5. We have created a recurring event. Please RSVP if you plan on attending. Initial work will focus on the Paiute Trout trail segment reroute. Paiute Trout Trail on 2020.07.02 The land management review for the adoption of the existing trails, addition of the…
First Trail Day for Paiute Trout Trail Reroute
Thanks to Justin and Joe we started bench cutting the reroute of the Paiute Trout Trail today.