Lewis Morris Build & Ride 9.28.24
When: Saturday September 28th @ 830-12pm. Grab some lunch and ride! Where: Lewis Morris – Park here What: Finishing the white trail extension and working on some new stuff Food: Jorba will provide lunch, please RSVP to ensure we have enough food and not be wasteful.
Lewis Morris Build & Ride Sept 28
Saturday September 28th 8:30am to 12. Lunch and Ride! Build & Ride’s are back! Come join us Saturday Sept 28th at Lewis Morris Park at 8:30am. The plan is to work on trails until 12pm, grab some lunch, then ride. All for free! If you haven’t been to Lewmo in a while, things have changed!…
Trail Maintenance @lewmo Sunday 4.21 845am
Sorry for the very short notice, but we are having a trail maintenance day this coming Sunday. going to be finishing off the new trail off the fire road that the NICA teams took the lead on.
Lewis Morris Trail Day 12/16
Lewis Morris Trail Day Rescheduled Lewis Morris Riding Area Working on the Yellow trail by the bridge. Meet at Sunrise Lot. Dec 16, 2023 Sunday: 8:45am – 1:00pm Contact us lewis-morris@jorba.org
Volunteer Day @Lewis Morris Nov 4
Save the date – Volunteer trail building opportunity! Saturday, November 4th – Parking in the Mendham overlook lot. 9 am meetup and safety brief. Work expected until 1230 Bagels & Refreshments provided. Scope of work: After talking with the Park, we will be working in the area of the log pile. Join Us Mendham Overlook Parking…
Lewis Morris Trail Maintenance
Trail Maintenance Oct 15 @ Lewis Morris 9am. Sunday October 15 9am to 1pm. Bagels and Beverages will be provided. Tools, gloves, & a tshirt will also be provided. We will be meeting in the Doe Meadow Parking Lot. Here If you can make it let me know by shooting me an email Jon@jorba.org
Lewis Morris Trail Maintenance 5.21.2023
Morris County will be hosting its first trail maintenance session of the year Lewis Morris Park on Sunday May 21st from 9am to 1pm. The goal is to finish the new orange trail. Park at the Mendham Overlook parking lot and please register so that park can bring enough tools.
- Allaire, Allamuchy, Home, Lewis Morris, Ride, Ringwood, Round Valley, Six Mile Run, Stephens, Wawayanda
Free Admission to State Parks, Forests & Recreation Areas
Ride Free With the start of Memorial Day weekend this Saturday, entry to all of New Jersey’s state parks, forests and recreation areas this summer will be free of charge, Governor Murphy and Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Shawn M. LaTourette announced. Park entrance fees will be waived for all visitors arriving by foot, bicycle,…
Lewis Morris Green Trail Reroute
The trail reroute for the green trail from Doe Meadow parking lot to Sunrise Lake parking lot will be opened this weekend.
Lewis Morris Trail Work
Morris County Parks and NY-NJ Trail Conference is ready for volunteers this Saturday (19th) and Sunday (20th). Volunteers should be prepared with plenty of water, lunch/snacks, sturdy pants, closed toed shoes, and rain gear. We will provide PPE and tools. To sign up, volunteers can email morrisco@nynjtc.org.
Lewis Morris Trail Work
The Americorp group will be working on the Green trail reroute this Thursday thru Sunday 8:30-5. They meet at the Doe Meadow parking area at Lewis Morris. If anyone is interested in helping please wear sturdy shoes, bring your own water, food and digging tools. Tools can be provided if we know how many people…
Chapter Report for Lewis Morris
CHAPTER REPORT FOR LEWIS MORRIS March 2021 Greg Murray Synposis: New Trails Director Amy Lutsko began tenure in second half of 2020. Has carte blanche to design and implement her vision. Seeks to revamp Lewis Morris, Pyramid Mountain and Tourne and is drafting a strategic plan. Current focus on Lewis Morris and Pyramid (latter is…