Nassau Trails Gets an Assist
RSGA Teams-up with High Bridge Recreation Committee and The Nassau Trail Crew When Ready Set Go Adventures (RSGA) approached High Bridge about using the Nassau Trail upper parking lot to host an aid station on their 80 mile Mega Gravel Adventure Ride, High Bridge was glad to accommodate for a second year. In return, RSGA…
Wharton State Forest Trails Status
As you probably have heard, Wharton State Forest was severely impacted last week by a wildfire that was started by an illegal campfire set along the Mullica River. As a result, all recreational trails along the Mullica and Batsto Rivers between Atsion and Batsto Village suffered significant damage. State Park Service staff and volunteers…
Wharton State Forest Chapter Trail Maintenance Schedule 2022-2023
For the Batsto Area MTB Trails Volunteer Trail Maintenance is done under the supervision of Wharton staff. Maintenance includes: brush backs, blowdown removal and trail tread repair. RSVP to for the meeting/maintenance location. Please bring water, gloves, suitable footwear and a sense of humor. You will be required to complete and sign a waiver….
- Allaire, Allamuchy, Home, Lewis Morris, Ride, Ringwood, Round Valley, Six Mile Run, Stephens, Wawayanda
Free Admission to State Parks, Forests & Recreation Areas
Ride Free With the start of Memorial Day weekend this Saturday, entry to all of New Jersey’s state parks, forests and recreation areas this summer will be free of charge, Governor Murphy and Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Shawn M. LaTourette announced. Park entrance fees will be waived for all visitors arriving by foot, bicycle,…