Mercer County Park Volunteer Trail Work 5-15-21
This Saturday we will be meeting on the north side of the lake in the rowing center’s parking lot @ 9am and will continue to work on the blue trail along the farmers field next to south post and conover rd Please RSVP so we know what to bring as far as tools go I will have documents to…
Stephens Trail Maintenance, 5-15-21 Saturday
As of yet we have not had any response. If you plan on attending please rsvp by email to before 8:30 tonight. I would not want anybody to show tomorrow to an empty event. We like digging in the dirt! 5-15-21 Saturday 8:30am – 12:30pm Meet at the iron gates on Kinney Rd. then…
New South Jersey Trail at Seaview
Working with the Atlantic County Parks Commission and Galloway Township Committee, JORBA’s Atlantic Chapter was able to obtain approval for this new 4.7 mile “Nucleus” trail at center of the “Seaview Trails” tract. Work continues as they sculpt the trails to improve flow and fun factor. With the addition of this new trail, riders can now…
Back again-WVP/Chimney Rock TM SATURDAY 5/1 8.30am
Basically a rinse and repeat of last Saturday except we are going to tackle the problem areas on white. We are meeting at Newmans at 8.30am to avoid any parking issues. Tools will be provided. Thanks!
Two New Trail Days at Jungle
We’re continuing with the connection from Rhino to Tapawingo with two days this week. Tuesday after work at 5PM and Sunday at 9AM to noon.
Work on Rhino-Tapawingo Connection
Work from Saturday on the connection to Tapawingo from Rhino. It’s typical Jungle rocks up to the ridge. Look for biweekly and monthly sessions going forward.
Trail Closures at Sourland Mountain Preserve
The Somerset County Park Commission have closed the yellow trail at the connector. Devil’s Half Acre and the yellow trial going around is CLOSED until further notice. The pink trail going through Devil’s Half Acre is CLOSED until further notice.
New Trail Build at Jungle Habitat
We will be building the new connection to Tapawingo from Rhino on April 17th from 9AM to noon. Please join us.
High Mountain Updates
The trails listed below will need to be closed to all trail users to help protect endangered species. Some closures will be soft, some will include covering the tread with sticks and leaves other options like planting in the tread will be explored. The rest of the trails will be added as official trails and…
New JORBA Rep for Mine Hill Chapter
Please welcome Jeremy Klopper as the new representative for the Mine Hill Chapter of JORBA. Jeremy is taking over for Jason Gonsalves. Jason has been the driving force behind all the trails at Dickerson Mine Preserve, none of which would exist without his tireless efforts building and maintaining them. Thank you Jason.
2020 JORBA Chapter Report/Ringwood State Park
In 2020, the Ringwood Trail Crew recorded 612 volunteer hours. In April, James Bazzano and Tom Pannorfi organized work parties that Park Management permitted, while the Park was technically closed, due to Covid-19 restrictions. Strict mask protocol was observed, and social distancing encouraged. Standout projects include removal of a dilapidated 20+ year old bridge, that…
Wawayanda SP/Black Bear Cycling Chapter Update
3/20/2021, Bill Romollino Not much new to report. Tackling trail maintenance in very small groups 1-2 people due to COVID-19. No new trail projects or re-routes in play. Working to finalize placement of repair kiosk near the park HQ and install. Continue to work with park staff on adopting and blazing social trails within the…
Belleplain Chapter Report
103 hours worked. Big blow down of large oaks. Took two, five hour days to clear. Six people each day. Trail is open and clear of debris, I ride it once a week to check. New brush hog is much easier to use and makes clearing trail very efficient. Could use two large hand saws.Jim Costello
Allamuchy Trail Crew Review 2020
215 hours Constant tree removal throughout the year Rock causeway (wet re-route) completed on White Trail Pink blazing on Lumpy Bumpy Extensive ‘brush-back’ at Deer Park and Tranquility side Kiosk maintenance Bridge repair on Allamuchy Pond Trail Continued closing of rouge trail on the lower Red Trail Lower Four Bump Alternate to Lumpy Bumpy (wet…
Baldpate 2020 Review
Approximately 40 hours of mainly trimming. Was approved to address bad areas on the Ridge Trail, which cutting nics was effective to address issues. Armoured an historically bad wet spot, approximately 10-15 feet in length, and it held up well over the winter. In October, walked one of the illegal trails with Alex Riveria, the…
2021 Jungle Habitat Update
Because of COVID, we had no large group sessions. Early in the season we did a lot of maintenance, from minor re-routes to clearing of lesser used trails, in particular Fish, Goat, Boulderdash, and Otterslide. After years of work, multiple site visits and collaborating with the NY/NJ Trail Conference, we received approval for the Tapawingo…
Chapter Report for Lewis Morris
CHAPTER REPORT FOR LEWIS MORRIS March 2021 Greg Murray Synposis: New Trails Director Amy Lutsko began tenure in second half of 2020. Has carte blanche to design and implement her vision. Seeks to revamp Lewis Morris, Pyramid Mountain and Tourne and is drafting a strategic plan. Current focus on Lewis Morris and Pyramid (latter is…
Sourlands Chapter Report
2020 was a quiet year for Trail Maintenance at Sourlands, but a huge year for park use due the pandemic and its consequences. The Parks Commission suspended VPP for 2020, so no official trail work days for JORBA or volunteers. The Park Rangers did a good job keeping the trails clear while being taxed by…
Stephens State Park Chapter Report 2020
Stephens State Park Chapter Report 2020 Volunteer Hours : Six Hundred Twenty Seven Volunteers: 41 Over 10 hours: 6 volunteers 8 hours: 9 volunteers Plenty of brush back, atv damage repair, water management and a major reconfiguration on Tally Hoe. The park has gotten very popular (what park has not?).
Stephens Trail Maintenance – J.O.R.B.A. 3-21-21 Sunday 8:30am – 12:30pm (IF THE SNOW IS GONE)
Hello all, Stephens Trail Maintenance – J.O.R.B.A. 3-21-21 Sunday 8:30am – 12:30pm (IF THE SNOW IS GONE) Meet at the iron gates on Kinney Rd. then we’ll relocate (Hike with tools) and do some reconfigure/water management/ winter fix up on the trails. 2 Kinney Rd (go over the bridge and park by the iron gates)…
JORBA Wharton State Forest Chapter 2020 Report
131 Volunteer Hours The many dead pine trees from the fire of 2017 are still aging and falling. We are keeping up with it.Due to the pandemic, we advertised only one trail work day in 2020. Instead we organized several small socially distanced groups for the large jobs. We also were asking the Wharton regulars…
Cherry Hill Trail Work
Cherry Hill Trail work rotates at one of 12 different trails in Cherry Hill, NJ on the second Saturday of the month from 9AM to noon. Volunteer Here.
Stephens State Park 2021 Trail Maintenance Schedule
Tentative Trail Maintenance Schedule for Stephens State Park.