Ringwood Trail Build, The Last of the Year.
Ringwood Trail Build! 12/19 9:00 a.m. LAST BUILD OF THE YEAR! Meet Ryerson School Leaving lot at 9:15 10 min walk from the School Project is Ringwood Ramapo Reroute We will bring all tools. Come find us later, we will be working parallel to Ice pond road up about a 1/4″ mile from Ryerson School. …
Ringwood Trail Building Sunday 12/12
Lets keep the momentum going! The Ringwood Trail Crew is going to hold a trail building day on Sunday 12/12 Meet Ryerson SchoolLeaving lot at 9:1510 min walk from the SchoolProject is Ringwood Ramapo RerouteWe will bring all tools. Come find us later, we will be working parallel to Ice pond road up about a…
The Ringwood Trail Building Day on Sunday 12/5
The Ringwood Trail Crew is going to hold a trail building day on Sunday 12/5 Meet Ryerson School Leaving lot at 9:15 10 min walk from the SchoolProject is Ringwood Ramapo RerouteWe will bring all tools. Come find us later, we will be working parallel to Ice pond road up about a 1/4″ mile from…
Upcoming Trail Work for Mercer County Park
Saturday November 20, 9:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m. Saturday December 18, 9:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m. We meet at 9 am at the marina and go thru noon. We are going to try to get some of the wet spots on the blue trail fixed by adding some soil and stones to the wet areas raising the…
Augusta Mine Progress
Help us. Saturday November 13 8:30-12:30 We need your help building the Augusta Mine trail.Please sign up and join us for trail building in Sterling Forest State Park this Saturday, November 13th from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.We will be working near Hutchinson Trail so we will meet at Caretakers Lot around 8:15 AM. Please…
- Act, Advocacy, Chapters, Event, JORBA Executive Committee, JORBA Park Rep, Trail Work, Training, Volunteer
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Bulk Log Hours
Please Help With The New Trail in Sterling
We need your help building the Augusta Mine trail. Please sign up and join us for trail building in Sterling Forest State Park this Saturday, November 13th from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. We will be working near Hutchinson Trail so we will meet at Caretakers Lot around 8:15 AM. Please bring sturdy boot and wear…
Wharton State Forest Trail Maintenance of the Batsto Area MTB Trails.
Volunteer Trail Maintanence is done under the supervision of Wharton staff. Maintenance includes: brush backs, blowdown removal and trail tread repair.RSVP to sj_trailrider@yahoo.com for the meeting/maintenance location.Please bring water, gloves, suitable footware and a sense of humor.You will be required to complete and sign a waiver.Trail tools will be available.These Scheduled Volunteer Maintenance Days run…
Allamuchy trail maintenance this Sunday 10/24
Greetings Friends,Allamuchy trail maintenance this Sunday 10/24 between 8:30 – 12:30 PM.We will park at Mt. Allamuchy Scout Reservation 750 Waterloo Rd, Stanhope, NJ 07874Make 1st right and follow signs for Camp Wheeler.Go 1.2 miles and do not make any lefts.We will park at the end of the road near second lake dam – close…
Sterling Forest Augusta Trail Fundraising
Sterling Forest Augusta Trail The new trail in Sterling Forest needs your help to make it happen. You’ve heard about the new trail in Sterling Forest that JORBA Chapter Palisades MTB has been working on. Now you to make it happen. Your donation goes directly towards hiring a professional trail building company to expedite the…
Allaire Trail Work
We are going to be in the lot next Sunday August 29 at 8 AM to do some trim-back work if you are free and interested reply back. sign up for RSVP
Mechanized Training
Northstar Contracting, King Trail Alliance and Marty’s Reliable Cycle have provided some training to JORBA equipment operators. Congratulations to Jason Fenton Art White Jeremy Klopper Tom Pannorfi Ken Seebeck Sandy Chapman Chris Chapman Marc Perez for succesfully completing the course. Mechanized Training After a safety briefing the training agenda included loading and unloading the JORBA Mini ex…
Regional News: NYCMTB Second Saturdays @ Highbridge Bike Park
Build mountain bike trails and then ride them during NYCMTB’s monthly welcome days at Highbridge park in Manhattan. Bring your friends and family for a day of fun in the woods and learn what it takes to build, maintain, and ride the most progressive urban bike park in America. Multiple Dates
MCPC Tourne Volunteer Trail Build 8/21/2021
In order to help with the new trail build at Tourne, Amy Lutsko of the Morris County Park Commission (MCPC) is organizing a monthly community trail build event through Sept. This is open to everyone ages 16+ and no experience is necessary. Amy will be there to provide guidance and training. The next one will…
Ringwood Trail Work Saturday 9/11/2021
Looking to get out Saturday morning to work on the Copper Union Trail, anyone interested in joining me? Meet at lot on end of Long Meadow Rd in Tuxedo NY. at 8:30 am. If that lot is full, there is another lot on Eagle Valley Rd across the street by the pond. Volunteers can either…
Ringwood Trail Work 8/15/2021
Looking to get out Sunday morning to work on the Copper Union Trail, anyone interested in joining me? Meet at lot on end of Long Meadow Rd in Tuxedo NY. at 8:30 am. If that lot is full, there is another lot on Eagle Valley Rd across the street by the pond. Volunteers can either…
Wharton 8/16/21 Trail Work Day
The JORBA/Wharton Forest chapter is planning on a Monday 8/16/21 trail maintenance day. 7:30 AM till ?. RSVP for meeting location and work plan. Clippers and work gloves provided. Bring water, comfortable shoes, and a sense of humor. TWC Forecasted Rain Storms and/or Heat Warnings Cancels.Thanks!-Kurt
Stephens Trail Maintenance – J.O.R.B.A.
8-7-21 Saturday 8:30am – 12:30pm Meet at the Pink trail head by rail road crossing and do brush back. 97 Waterloo Valley Rd. Budd Lake, NJ 07828 Bring yourself, water, gloves (I’ll have some gloves if you need) BUG SPRAY and a snack. Rain cancels. ********Please rsvp via email so I know how many tools…
Ringwood Trail Build Sunday 8/1
Looking to get out Sunday morning to work on the Copper Union Trail, anyone interested in joining me? Meet at lot on end of Long Meadow Rd in Tuxedo NY. at 8:30 am. If that lot is full, there is another lot on Eagle Valley Rd across the street by the pond. Volunteers can either…
Wildcat Ridge WMA Bridge Repair 7/18/21
Volunteer Opportunity Sunday July 18th 8:00 AM JORBA is working in cooperation with the NYNJ Trail Conference and the NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife to repair a bridge within the Wildcat Ridge WMA trail system. There is a substantial amount of lumber that needs to be carried from the boat launch at Splitrock Reservoir to…