Belleplain State Forest

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  • Lewis Morris Build & Ride 9.28.24
    When: Saturday September 28th @ 830-12pm. Grab some lunch and ride! Where: Lewis Morris – Park here What: Finishing the white trail extension and working on some new stuff Food: Jorba will provide lunch, please RSVP to ensure we have enough food and not be wasteful.
  • Trail Maintenance @lewmo Sunday 4.21 845am
    Sorry for the very short notice, but we are having a trail maintenance day this coming Sunday.  going to be finishing off the new trail off the fire road that the NICA teams took the lead on.
  • Lewis Morris Trail Day 12/16
    Lewis Morris Trail Day Rescheduled Lewis Morris Riding Area Working on the Yellow trail by the bridge. Meet at Sunrise Lot. Dec 16, 2023 Sunday: 8:45am – 1:00pm Contact us
  • Volunteer Day @Lewis Morris Nov 4
    Save the date – Volunteer trail building opportunity! Saturday, November 4th – Parking in the Mendham overlook lot. 9 am meetup and safety brief. Work expected until 1230 Bagels & Refreshments provided. Scope of work: After talking with the Park, we will be working in the area of the log pile. Join Us Mendham Overlook Parking…
  • Lewis Morris Trail Maintenance
    Trail Maintenance Oct 15 @ Lewis Morris 9am. Sunday October 15 9am to 1pm. Bagels and Beverages will be provided. Tools, gloves, & a tshirt will also be provided. We will be meeting in the Doe Meadow Parking Lot. Here If you can make it let me know by shooting me an email


Be aware that between Memorial and Labor Day Weekends, Belleplain State Forest charges a daily entry fee for vehicles driving into the recreation area (camping and swimming areas). The beginning of the mountain bike trail starts within this area, so driving past the fee collection booth will require one to pay that fee. However, there are alternatives to avoid this fee.

You can ride your bike in free of charge.
You can park at the office and ride the North Shore Trail, right on the Goose Kill Trail to the beginning of the mountain bike trail. It will add 1 mile to the ride each way.
You can park at numerous locations where the trail comes close to Champion Rd, Cedar Bridge Rd, New Bridge Rd or Tom Fields Rd and ride from there.

Bring tick repellent!

Description and History

The Belleplain Single Track (BST) mountain bike trail was designed to provide recreational opportunities for various levels of bike riding expertise. A single track trail is a narrow riding path for one bike at a time and may have various obstacles to navigate. The route begins and ends beside the ballfield pavilion just past the Lake Nummy parking area. Follow the pink-marked stakes which further designate three routes – 1, 2 or 3. The trail is meant to be ridden one way with more technical and longer distances available if you follow routes 2 or 3.

Follow 1 for a 4 mile ride
Follow 2 for a 7 mile ride
Follow 3 for a 10.5 mile ride

Route 1 is designed for beginner riders. The route follows established fire cuts and dirt trails as well as new routes thru the woods. The #1 route separates from #2 and #3 at mile 3.3 and returns to the parking area. Routes 2 and 3 subsequently become more technical.

Route #2 is the most technical with a challenging segment thru a thick canopy of mountain laurel. Other features include sections thru mature and pole-sized white pine. There are logs to ride over with bail out options.

Routes 2 and 3 divide at mile 4.3 with #3 crossing the wetlands via the East Creek Trail before embarking on 3.5 miles in more open woodlands. Route 3 returns onto the East Creek Trail to re-cross the wetlands where the route rejoins #2.

The trail will be spongy but will pack down the more it is ridden. The BST is available for mountain bikers, hikers, or bird watchers for general enjoyment.

To maintain the course, the Belleplain Trail Users Group has been established. Contact the Belleplain office if you wish to participate in trail maintenance.

Many individuals were involved in efforts to establish the BST, including representatives from Belleplain State Forest, South Jersey Wheelmen, Jersey Off Road Bicycle Association, International Mountain Bicycling Association, interested volunteers and support from Beacon Cycling and Fitness, KITnBOB’S Bicycle Shop, Mojo Bicycle Shop, Tuckahoe Bike Shop, and Randy’s General Store and Bike Shop.

Please enjoy the trail. Helmets are mandatory for children under the age of 17. Helmets and eye protection are recommended for safety purposes for all riders.