Latest Volunteer News
JORBA is in constant need of volunteers at every level.
Our volunteers build and maintain sustainable trails statewide, they are the backbone of grassroots mountain bike advocacy. Browse and sign up for specific opportunities or email volunteer@jorba.org with your inquiry.
You dig? We dig!
But before you do please make sure you complete our waiver.
Latest Volunteer Posts
- JORBA 2024 Year in Review
- CANCELLED: Wawayanda SP Trail Maintenance Day on 12/21/2024, 9:30am – 1:30pm
- Wawayanda SP Trail Maintenance Day on 12/14/2024, 9:30am – 1:30pm
- Eagle Scout Project – Trash Cleanup at Six Mile Run
- Generous Equipment Donation to JORBA in Memorial of Don Sisto
- Announcing Ken Seebeck as JORBA’s Interim Executive Director
- 9/22/2024 JORBA Fest 2024 (aka The NJ Mountain Bike Festival)
- Sign Up for Upcoming Clayton Park Trail Maintenance Dates
- Clayton Park Trail Maintenance – Wed, Sept 4th, 5:30PM
- Clayton Trail Maintenance – Wed, Aug 21st
- Mercer County Park Trail Maintenance 8/17/2024
- New JORBA Chapters Established
- Sterling Forest Trail Work
- Wawayanda SP Trail Maintenance Day on 7/28/2024
- Perrineville Trail Day Wednesday 7/31 9a-12p
- Perrineville Trail Day 7/19
- Sterling Forest Trailwork 7/21/2024
- Allamuchy Mountain State Park Chapter Lead Resigns
- 9/22/2024 – JORBA Fest 2024 (aka The NJ Mountain Bike Festival)
- Trail Day at Allaire July 7Th
- Lewis Morris Build & Ride 9.28.24
Start your own volunteer group or chapter!
Does your local park need some TLC? Click here for a step-by-step guide.
JORBA Administrative Volunteer Opportunities
Events Coordinator
We need someone that can keep on top of all JORBA events, such as trail work, group rides, and any other events and get the word out to the riding community. This person would interface with all the JORBA chapters and pass along* to the public any events generated at the chapter or JORBA level. *This would be someone that is comfortable with some or all of the follow: email, internet forums, google calendar, facebook, instagram, and wordpress.
Grants Research and Writing
We need people to keep on top of Grant sources by scanning the internet for Grant opportunities for bicycle or trail related projects. Our main source of Grant money is the Recreational Trails Program (RTP), but we do need additional grant sources for bike park projects, trail marking, equipment, infrastructure, etc.
Newsletter Author/Editor
We need help help gathering content, generating ideas and creating articles for The Dirt. Ultimately we would like this to be a committee of 3 or more “beat reporters” collaborating together on content and layout.
Press Relations
We need people that can generate a press release, maintain a press contact list and send out press releases to regional and local papers as needs arise. This is an urgent need since we are terrible at getting press coverage for all the good things we do within NJ. We have a single volunteer at this time, Lisa Fortunato, but we can use a few more folks with experience in this area.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email us at: volunteer@jorba.org