Jersey Off Road Bicycle Association (JORBA) Risk Management Plan
The following Risk Management Plan has been created to document how the Jersey Off Road Bicycle Association, also known as JORBA, will be managed to reduce risks associated with volunteer activities. These policies are to be practiced by JORBA members and communicated to non-members during JORBA activities. It is recognized that all JORBA members and non-members share the responsibility for making JORBA functions as safe as possible. Each JORBA Chapter Lead shall receive a copy, electronic or otherwise of this Risk Management Plan and a publicly visible copy shall be available on the JORBA website.
The risk exposure and management of the will be identified by first identifying the main volunteer functions of the organization:
● Group Rides and Skills Clinics
● Group Volunteer Trail Work
● Trips For Kids Rides
● Trail Stewardship and Operation of Power Tools
● Trail Design and Construction
● Loading and Unloading
Group Rides & Skills Clinics
● JORBA Rides – rides formally organized by JORBA and listed on the JORBA website and/or forums and on the JORBA calendar.
Standards of Care
● New Jersey statute Title 39 of the Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulation laws.
Risk Identification
● Failure to negotiate obstacles resulting in a fall and injury
● Collisions between riders
● Riders getting separated from the group and lost
● Exposure to adverse weather conditions.
● Exposure to natural hazards (Poison Ivy, Insects, etc.)
Risk Management
1. All members of the JORBA are responsible for bringing forward to the JORBA Board any safety issues related to JORBA Rides or the JORBA Trails.
2. While on JORBA Rides and on public roadways, all participants shall adhere to New Jersey statute Title 39 of the Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulation laws.
3. Any JORBA member on a JORBA Ride should immediately advise the ride coordinator(s) and other members of the ride should the member feel the group or individuals in the group are riding in an unsafe manner. The member should withdraw from the ride if they feel unsafe.
4. All participants of the JORBA Ride should provide proof of membership in good standing prior to each ride. The ride coordinator shall advise all riders that only members in good standing are covered by JORBA insurance and that each rider is responsible for all of his/her actions.
5. Each JORBA Ride participant will conduct themselves in a responsible manner and retains liability for their own actions.
6. Helmets must be worn at all times on JORBA rides. All participants need to be informed that the ultimate responsibility for safety rests with the individuals.
Ride Coordinators
7. Ride coordinator(s) will be appointed by the JORBA Chapter Lead. The ride coordinator will identify himself/herself to the group so that everyone is aware of who is coordinating the ride. The ride coordinator may describe the general ride route, and may provide a brief safety tip at the commencement of the ride. Each individual group on a JORBA Ride may not have a coordinator.
8. The ride coordinator(s) has the final decision on all matters pertaining to the JORBA Ride and his/her decisions must be respected by all participants. The ride coordinator may appoint an alternate should the ride coordinator be unable to attend a JORBA Ride.
9. Ride coordinators will carry cell phones for emergency use on all JORBA Rides and, from time to time, will remind riders to carry their own cell phones on JORBA Rides. Riders should immediately call 911 in the event of an emergency.
10. JORBA Rides on public roadways will be planned to use lesser- traveled roads where possible and practical.
11. JORBA Rides will not start during a lightning storm. If a storm develops during a ride, then the ride shall be finished in the most expedient manner possible, or until proper shelter is available.
12. Participants must not be left behind during a JORBA Ride unless they first confirm with the ride coordinator(s) that they are detaching from the group; all members of the JORBA Riders are responsible for ensuring they property notify the ride coordinator(s) if they are detaching from the group.
13. Participants are responsible for ensuring that their bicycle is in good working order before attending each JORBA Ride.
14. Bicycle helmets must be worn at all times while participating in any JORBA ride and other protective equipment is strongly encouraged (e.g., gloves, eye wear).
15. Front and rear lights are required during any JORBA Ride which takes place one half hour before sunset and/ or which may extend into darkness.
16. While trail riding all participants must be courteous and considerate of other trail users and the trail system.
17. Participants are responsible for ensuring they are sufficiently fit for their desired activity.
18. Participants are responsible for bringing sufficient liquids and food, as required, for each JORBA Ride, as well as appropriate tools/ spare tubes, etc.
19. Participants are not to be under the influence of any drug or beverage product that could impair their judgment while on a JORBA Ride.
20. Any and every accident requiring medical attention on a JORBA Ride shall be reported to the JORBA Executive Committee within 96 Hours and an accident report submitted within 5 Business Days.
21. For non-members wishing to try out a JORBA Ride, extra waiver forms will be available at the beginning of each JORBA Ride, and the individual will be required to complete, sign, and return the waiver to the ride coordinator(s) prior to participating in the JORBA Ride.
Skills Development
22. The JORBA encourages all riders to be comfortable and proficient with group riding before joining a JORBA ride.
23. To support rider skills development, JORBA will periodically hold skills development programs for road riding and/ or mountain biking and encourages all JORBA members to attend these programs and / or other cycling skills courses.
24. Riders may be requested to complete a skills development program before attending or continuing to attend regular scheduled JORBA rides. This applies for both road and off-road JORBA rides.
25. New or novice member are encouraged to participate in the Learn to Ride programs offered by the JORBA before participating in more challenging or technically advanced rides.
All JORBA members must complete a membership waiver. Minors (under 18 years of age) must have a guardian complete their waiver. Click here for the JORBA Waiver
Waivers are not be altered and should not be accepted if they have been modified in any way, specifically the language or spacing. Paper waivers must be submitted on the appropriate sized paper (8.5 X 11)
JORBA members under the age of 18 when joining the JORBA ride must have an adult (18 years or older) complete the waiver. It may be signed by someone other than the parent or legal guardian.
All waivers must be submitted to the JORBA secretary in a timely manner.
Waivers will be stored by the secretary for a minimum of 7 years, to ensure that they can be accessed if legal action is taken against the JORBA. Waivers are crucial in defending the JORBA during litigation.
Group Volunteer Trail Work
● JORBA Trail Work – trail maintenance activities formally organized by JORBA and listed on the JORBA website and/or forums and on the JORBA calendar.
Standards of Care
● International Mountain Bicycling Association – Guidelines
Risk Identification
● Injuries between volunteers
● Injuries to trail users from volunteers
● Improper use of tools resulting in injuries
● Improper work technique
Risk Management
1. Crew Leaders will provide an orientation session on the proper use of tools and work habits and the proper transportation of tools and storage of tools when not in use.
2. Crew leaders will ensure that work being performed on established trails are either closed off, or provide sufficient warning to trail users of the work activity.
Crew leaders will monitor volunteers for tool safety and work progress.
Trips For Kids Rides
● Trips for Kids® JORBA Rides – rides formally organized by JORBA in support of the Trips for Kids program.
Standards of Care
● Trips for Kids® Policies and procedures
● New Jersey statute Title 39 of the Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulation laws.
Risk Identification
● Failure to negotiate obstacles resulting in a fall and injury
● Collisions between riders
● Riders getting separated from the group and lost
● Equipment Failure
● Exposure to adverse weather conditions.
● Exposure to natural hazards (Poison Ivy, Ticks)
● Abuse or Molestation charges
Risk Management
1. All guidelines identified for JORBA Rides
2. Bicycles will be inspected and verified to be mechanically sound before being issued to a participant.
3. Bicycles will be sized appropriately for each participant.
4. All participants are required to wear a helmet.
5. Helmets will be checked for sizing and adjusted for each participant.
6. Participants will be instructed in operation of a bicycle.
7. Participants will display sufficient proficiency on a bicycle before going out on a ride.
8. Rides will not be held under threat of adverse weather conditions.
9. Participants will be warned with regards to natural hazards they may be exposed to on the ride.
10. Minors shall not be left with any less than two JORBA volunteers unless a volunteer from the supporting organization is present.
Trail Stewardship & Operation of Power tools
● Trail Stewardship – basic trail maintenance activities, limited to activities on existing trails only. Activities include trimming, clearing downfall, erosion control measures, blazing and installing signage.
● Hand Tools – basic human powered tools (shovels, rakes, Pulaski, McLeod, Mattocks, clippers etc)
● Power Tools – powered hand tools typically used for carpentry (drills, circular saws) and gasoline powered tools used for trimming, cutting and leaf blowing.
Standards of Care
● Hand and Power Tools U.S. Department of Labor Elaine L. Chao, Secretary Occupational Safety and Health Administration John L. Henshaw, Assistant Secretary OSHA 3080 2002 (Revised)
● Wolf, Jerry ; Whitlock, Chuck . 2006. Chain Saw and Crosscut Saw Training Course. 0667 2C01. Missoula, MT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Missoula Technology and Development Center.
Risk Identification
● Exposure to adverse weather conditions.
● Exposure to natural hazards ( terrain, flora and fauna)
● Misuse of tools
● Hazards from clearing downfall – falling debris, spring poles, Bucking Brushing and Limbing
● Hazards from operating power tools
● Tool Transportation
● Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Risk Management
Trail stewards shall complete training with JORBA designated crew leaders and shall exhibit proficiency in the use of hands tools and basic trail steward functions. Training shall at a minimum cover the following:
1. Recognize poisonous plants and methods to limit and treat exposure
2. Identification of insect and fauna hazards, methods to limit and treat exposure (snakes, bees etc).
3. Proper use of hand tools
4. Proper Tool transportation
5. Situational awareness – (falling debris )
6. Before performing any work on clearing downfall, Trails Stewards must review the Crosscut Saw Training Course material.
Power Tools
1. Trail Stewards shall complete Sawyer Training before operating any chain saws.
2. Permission to use power tools must be obtained from the land manager.
Trail Design & Construction
Standards of Care
● United States Department of Labor 29 CFR Standard 1910
Risk Identification
● Injuries as a result of loading or unloading equipment from vehicles.
● Injuries blamed on mismatch in skill level between user and trail difficulty
Risk Management – Loading and Unloading
● Gasoline shall not be transported in the passenger compartment of a vehicle.
● Gasoline shall only be transported and stored in a properly rated container.
● Transporting tools in the passenger compartment of a vehicle should be avoided, but if there is no alternative may be done if properly secured.
● Loading ramps shall be rated for 2x the estimated load.
● Loading ramps should be secured to the truck bed or trailer.
● Straps, chains, winches and other such hardware shall be properly rated for the load.
● Tools should be handled and transported properly.
Loading & Unloading
Standards of Care
● United States Department of Labor 29 CFR Standard 1910
Risk Identification
● Injuries as a result of loading or unloading equipment from vehicles.
● Injuries blamed on mismatch in skill level between user and trail difficulty
Risk Management – Loading and Unloading
● Gasoline shall not be transported in the passenger compartment of a vehicle.
● Gasoline shall only be transported and stored in a properly rated container.
● Transporting tools in the passenger compartment of a vehicle should be avoided, but if there is no alternative may be done if properly secured.
● Loading ramps shall be rated for 2x the estimated load.
● Loading ramps should be secured to the truck bed or trailer.
● Straps, chains, winches and other such hardware shall be properly rated for the load.
● Tools should be handled and transported properly.