131 Volunteer Hours
The many dead pine trees from the fire of 2017 are still aging and falling. We are keeping up with it.
Due to the pandemic, we advertised only one trail work day in 2020. Instead we organized several small socially distanced groups for the large jobs. We also were asking the Wharton regulars to clear what they safely could on their rides. The results have been good. 2020 saw an increase in vandalism throughout the forest. The removal of trail signage and trail markings on all trails being the most prevalent. We created a Wharton MTB Trail Crew Facebook page and have been regularly refreshing the MTB trail head bulletin board. Both actions have successfully engaged more riders. We hope to leverage this engagement in the future when it is possible.
The Wharton staffer that has supervised our actions since day one will be retiring soon. It is unknown who will be supervising us after that.