The County Park System’s acquisition of property in downtown Freehold provides an opportunity to extend
the Henry Hudson Trail into the county seat of Monmouth County. The trail follows a former rail line and
will be extended from its current terminus at County Route 537 (East Main Street) to the Freehold Hub
Site, a 19-acre acre property in downtown Freehold acquired as a hub for the Henry Hudson Trail. See
map below for project location.

Construction is scheduled for 2023 and includes land clearing, demolition of existing rails and ties,
grading, installation of trail base and surfacing, a steel pedestrian bridge over Center Street, signage
and landscape restoration.

Future plans include development of recreational facilities at the Freehold Hub Site.

Public Information Meeting 8/29 4:00-7:00 Marlboro, NJ

We invite you to the Public Information Center which will be held at Marlboro Township Municipal Court. 1979 Township Drive, Marlboro, NJ 07746, on Tuesday August 29, 2023, from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. At the meeting there will be display boards showing the proposed safety improvements and representatives from Monmouth County Park System to describe the project. You are encouraged to participate and provide input.

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