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Q2 2024 Executive Committee Update/Message from the President
Greetings during this summer riding season! I hope to compose an update on the latest JORBA news approximately once per quarter to keep our members informed on new developments and enlist your support where needed. Highlights: Have a great season of riding filled with many smiles and miles!!
NJ Mountain Bike Festival Registration is Open
Join us Sunday September 24th for the NJ Mountain Bike Festival. Visit our registration page to register.
JORBA’s Exciting P2P Plan
Last week, the JORBA Executive Committee approved a Procure-to-Pay Workflow Procedure, which has been posted to the policies and procedures page. This is a really exciting document, You should take your time to read this document. BUT WHY? IT’S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LONG… AND THERE’S SO MANY BORING DETAILS… AND RULES…. Can’t you just tell me? TL/DR…
Let’s See Your Best Shot!
We’re building out the new spring newsletter and we need your best shot! Send us pics of you & your crew riding your favorite trails or doing trail maintenance in New Jersey and you might just end up on the cover of the next newsletter!
CR/WVP Updates: Ida-Over, High Tech Support, & Yellow Tweaks
Improvements on blue, white, and yellow have been creeping in over the past few weeks. Read the full article to see what’s been going on at The Rock, the start of Monday rides, and to sign up for future CR-specific TM days.
JORBA Board Meeting Summary
Following our bylaws, we held our annual votes for officers and board members, here are the folks that will continue to make the JORBA machine run.
2021 Highlights: Marty’s Memorial Trail
Marty’s Memorial Trail Dedication The Marty Epstein Memorial Trail was officially dedicated on September 19, 2021 and is a fitting recognition to all of the contributions that the late Marty Epstein made to the cycling community. The clockwise direction of the trail, which is just about a mile long and located on the Randolph side…
Thanksgiving Poem
Thanksgiving is here and we wanted to say We’re grateful for our members in every way
A JORBA Spotify Playlist?!
YES! And we need your help! We’re compiling a playlist of JORBA member’s favorite songs to get psyched to hit a trail or rock out to while cycling. Got a good one? Or 20? Send your favorites!
Who’s the newbie?
Hi! I’m Elana! I’m a newly minted mountain biker and JORBA member here to help with any of your JORBA-related communication needs. On weekdays I’m an advertising copywriter, but on weekends you can usually find me at Six Mile Run (ya can’t miss the helmet). Reach out if you need any writing/PR help (or to…
Stephens Trail Maintenance, 5-15-21 Saturday
As of yet we have not had any response. If you plan on attending please rsvp by email to stephens@jorba.org before 8:30 tonight. I would not want anybody to show tomorrow to an empty event. We like digging in the dirt! 5-15-21 Saturday 8:30am – 12:30pm Meet at the iron gates on Kinney Rd. then…
New South Jersey Trail at Seaview
Working with the Atlantic County Parks Commission and Galloway Township Committee, JORBA’s Atlantic Chapter was able to obtain approval for this new 4.7 mile “Nucleus” trail at center of the “Seaview Trails” tract. Work continues as they sculpt the trails to improve flow and fun factor. With the addition of this new trail, riders can now…
Back again-WVP/Chimney Rock TM SATURDAY 5/1 8.30am
Basically a rinse and repeat of last Saturday except we are going to tackle the problem areas on white. We are meeting at Newmans at 8.30am to avoid any parking issues. Tools will be provided. Thanks!
Stephens TM 4-17-21 Saturday
Stephens Trail Maintenance – J.O.R.B.A. Probably the most fun you can have digging in the dirt! 4-17-21 Saturday 8:30am – 12:30pm Meet on Waterloo Valley Rd. by the small gate where the trail goes down to Tilcon Lake, then we’ll relocate (Hike with tools) and do some tread repair on the nearby trails. 140…
Time for a new kit, support JORBA get 20% off Club Ride Apparel in April
Club Ride Apparel is proud to support JORBA in 2021 by offering you a 20% discount on orders in April. 5% of all orders placed in April will go back to JORBA! Use code JORBA20 at checkout. Club Ride Apparel is proud to support JORBA in 2021 by offering you a 20% discount on orders…
Bear with us, it’s new
Bear with us, its new software, if you have any difficulties donating, joining or renewing your membership please shoot an email to tom@jorba.org.