- Allaire Chapter, Allamuchy Trail Chapter, Atlantic County Chapter, Baldpate Chapter, Belleplain Chapter, Bergen County Chapter, Chapters, Cherry Hill Chapter, Essex Chapter, High Bridge Chapter, JORBA Board Members, JORBA Executive Committee, JORBA Park Rep, Jungle Chapter, Membership, Mercer County Chapter, Mine Hill Chapter, Ringwood Ramapo Chapter, Round Valley Chapter, Six Mile Chapter, Sourlands Chapter, Stephens Chapter, Trail Work, Volunteer, Washington Valley Park, Wawayanda Chapter, Wharton Chapter, Wildcat Chapter
JORBA 2024 Year in Review
JORBA Trail & Community Accomplishments: JORBA Events JORBA Strategic initiatives 2024 Photos of JORBA in Action….
The Greenway Open House 3/14
Learn about the Essex-Hudson Greenway March 14th. Please join us in Newark on Thursday, March 14th at 6:30pm to learn more about the Greenway. This event will take place at the Cherry Blossom Welcome Center in Branch Brook Park. Translation services are available.
- Act, Advocacy, Allaire Chapter, Allamuchy Trail Chapter, Atlantic County Chapter, Baldpate Chapter, Belleplain Chapter, Bergen County Chapter, Chapters, Cherry Hill Chapter, Essex Chapter, Fundraising, High Bridge Chapter, Hold Fast, JORBoard, Jungle Chapter, Mercer County Chapter, Mine Hill Chapter, Ringwood Ramapo Chapter, Round Valley Chapter, Six Mile Chapter, Sourlands Chapter, Sponsors, Stephens Chapter, Washington Valley Park, Wawayanda Chapter, Wharton Chapter, Wildcat Chapter
Membership Bonuses
The Hilltop Grasshopper Kids Bike Race
The 12th running (riding) of the Grasshopper is in the books and we want to thank all who came out to make it a good day for kids on bikes Parents thanks for finding this kid’s bike event. Volunteers, lots of them, thanks for support. Cyclecraft made sure it was a safe biking day and…
2022 Grasshopper Kid’s Race Recap
WOW, what a great day of racing for kids on the Kid’s Korse, A total of 76 racers came out, the largest classes were the Boys PreK – Grade 1 and Grade 2 – 3 with 11 starters in each class The conditions were superb and kids were really flying around each 0.3mi lap. The…
Grasshopper Kid’s Bike Race, August 13, YES KIDS ARE RACING!!
The Hilltop Grasshopper Kids Bike Race is back at the new location in Cedar Grove below the new Community Center on Fairview Avenue. August 13 at 0900 is the first start time Sign up right now at this link to Bike Reg This is a grassroots kids bike event that succeeds because of…
Essex County Chapter
JORBA has established a new chapter to advocate for mountain biking in Essex County. Gene Sackman will lead efforts for legal MTB access. Please visit our Essex County Chapter Page for updates and add your name to our Essex County Mailing list.