- Allaire Chapter, Allamuchy Trail Chapter, Atlantic County Chapter, Baldpate Chapter, Belleplain Chapter, Bergen County Chapter, Chapters, Cherry Hill Chapter, Essex Chapter, High Bridge Chapter, JORBA Board Members, JORBA Executive Committee, JORBA Park Rep, Jungle Chapter, Membership, Mercer County Chapter, Mine Hill Chapter, Ringwood Ramapo Chapter, Round Valley Chapter, Six Mile Chapter, Sourlands Chapter, Stephens Chapter, Trail Work, Volunteer, Washington Valley Park, Wawayanda Chapter, Wharton Chapter, Wildcat Chapter
JORBA 2024 Year in Review
JORBA Trail & Community Accomplishments: JORBA Events JORBA Strategic initiatives 2024 Photos of JORBA in Action….
- Act, Advocacy, Allaire Chapter, Allamuchy Trail Chapter, Atlantic County Chapter, Baldpate Chapter, Belleplain Chapter, Bergen County Chapter, Chapters, Cherry Hill Chapter, Essex Chapter, Fundraising, High Bridge Chapter, Hold Fast, JORBoard, Jungle Chapter, Mercer County Chapter, Mine Hill Chapter, Ringwood Ramapo Chapter, Round Valley Chapter, Six Mile Chapter, Sourlands Chapter, Sponsors, Stephens Chapter, Washington Valley Park, Wawayanda Chapter, Wharton Chapter, Wildcat Chapter
Membership Bonuses
- Act, Event, Halters, High Bridge, High Bridge Chapter, Home, JORBA Park Rep, Marty’s, Project In Progress, Trail Work, Volunteer
Sawyers Needed
We need trained sawyers to help clear the downed trees around the High Bridge pump track and flow trails. We are blocking out every Saturday and Sunday in April from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you are available for any amount of time please sign up and help us open up the trails. Please…
High Bridge Flow Trails Receive GoHunterton Award
Avid Trails, High Bridge Borough, the Jersey Off Road Bicycling Association (JORBA) and numerous community volunteers came together to create the High Bridge Flow Trails, New Jersey’s first downhill mountain biking trails on public land.
High Bridge Flow Trail Closure
Emerald Ash Borers have forced the closure of the High Bridge Flow trails and pump track. Dead and dying ash trees in the vicinity of the trails and pump track pose a serious risk to users of the trails. Please stay out until the hazardous trees are removed.
High Bridge Flow Trails in the News
The secret is out, High Bridge flow trails are fun. But they don’t happen without your support, please consider making a donation to the High Bridge Flow Trails, and if you’d like to see more of these trails near you please join JORBA. Read the full article here. Story also ran in all the NJ…
High Bridge Pump Track Resurfacing
The pump track will be completely redesigned and resurfaced. The High Bridge Chapter will be managing the project with Avid Trails. Fundraising in progress.