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Announcing Ken Seebeck as JORBA’s Interim Executive Director
Big news at JORBA! I’m thrilled to announce that we have appointed Ken Seebeck as our new interim executive director! We extend a heartfelt thank you to Tom Hennigan, our outgoing executive director, for his many years of dedicated service. His tireless efforts and leadership have significantly contributed to JORBA’s growth and success. We wish…
- Advocacy, Allamuchy, Allamuchy Trail Chapter, Chapters, Home, JORBA Admin, JORBA Park Rep, Trail Work, Volunteer
Allamuchy Mountain State Park Chapter Lead Resigns
After many years of service, Marc Perez has decided to resign as Chapter Leader for Allamuchy Mountain State Park. JORBA thanks Mark for his many years of service. He has made a massive difference at AMSP and enabled many riders to enjoy many miles and smiles. We wish Marc all the best for the future…
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Q2 2024 Executive Committee Update/Message from the President
Greetings during this summer riding season! I hope to compose an update on the latest JORBA news approximately once per quarter to keep our members informed on new developments and enlist your support where needed. Highlights: Have a great season of riding filled with many smiles and miles!!
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JORBA Updates in Progress
We are working on updating JORBA’s systems over the holidays. You may receive emails at various points on the process. If you have any questions please feel free to to out to me at tom@jorba.org. Thanks for you patience Tom
- Act, Event, Halters, High Bridge, High Bridge Chapter, Home, JORBA Park Rep, Marty’s, Project In Progress, Trail Work, Volunteer
Sawyers Needed
We need trained sawyers to help clear the downed trees around the High Bridge pump track and flow trails. We are blocking out every Saturday and Sunday in April from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you are available for any amount of time please sign up and help us open up the trails. Please…
Chainsaw Safety Workshop
Chainsaw Safety Workshop Mountain View Trail Services provided a chainsaw safety workshop April 30-May 1st in Mine Hill. Participants Include Anderson, Jeb Bopp, Eric Dexter, James Epstein, Jesse Heerschap, Ryan Klopper, Jeremy La Placa, Leo Lee, Jimmy Mills, Kirt
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New Executive Committee Members
The EC has voted in two new members, please welcome William Romollino and Norm Zurawski. We look forward to working with them.
BoB Yak Trailer Donation
Jorba supporters Ron and Mari Striegel of West Milford have donated a brand new BoB Yak trailer to JORBA. If your group could put this to good use for trail maintenance than it can be yours. Very useful for tackling TM projects far into the woods. It comes with a 135mm x 9mm QR axle,…
- Act, Advocacy, Chapters, Event, JORBA Executive Committee, JORBA Park Rep, Trail Work, Training, Volunteer
Log Volunteers Hours
Bulk Log Hours