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- 6/23/2024 TM Wawayanda JORBA + NYNJTC
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- Save the Trail, Ban the Blower
- JORBA in the News
- Stags Adaptive MTB Ribbon Cutting
- Stags Stage 1 is Complete
- JORBA Receives Two for the Trails Grant From Athletic Brewing
- Progress on Stags Tapawingo in Jungle
- Work Starts on Stags
- JORBA is a Santa Cruz PayDirt Recipient
- Jungle Parking will be difficult June 10-12
Plans, Proposals and Projects
Stags is the next section of the Tapawingo project, which is a joint project of the NY-NJ Trail Conference and JORBA to upgrade and connect the trail networks at Long Pond Ironworks State Park and Norvin Green State Forest. Originally conceived as a reroute around an unsustainable section of the legacy Hewitt-Butler trail, Stags was designed to reduce the number of turns to avoid building separate trails for hiking and mountain biking. By reducing the number of turns and redefining the trail specifications, Stags could be suitable for adaptive riders. Existing woods roads will then be upgraded to sustainable accessible standards. When completed, Stags will be a 3950′ route suitable for beginner to intermediate adaptive riders, mountain bikers and hikers.
A plan to reroute around the perennially wet spot at the bottom of Hippo.
Approved Work in Progress
Updating existing trails and woods roads east of Jungle Habitat and connecting to the Lake Sonoma section of northern Norvin Green State Forest.
Stingray Closed-Dead
AKA Boondoggle
Extending Boon down to Dump Truck Hill
Jungle Habitat Bike Park Closed-Dead
In 2015 the state proposed leasing Jungle Habitat to a private company to operate on a for profit basis. As an alternative to an operator running obstacle mud races, JORBA put forth this proposal. The 2016 RFP for a mountain bike facility imposed an unrealistic financial cost as to make this project uneconomical.
Jungle Habitat Connections
Jungle Habitat Chapter-managed by Team Town Cycle
Park Leads-Dave Van Wart, Tom Hennigan